The tournament will be players on "Best of 3 Games" format.


Toss will be conducted before a game starts. If you win, you can choose between serving first or to start play at either end of the court. Your opponent can then exercise 
the remaining choice.

Scoring system

In doubles and men's singles, the first side to score 15 points wins the game. 

If the score becomes 14-all, there should be a difference of 2 points to decide the winner.

The side winning a game serves first in the next game. Only the serving side can add a point to its score.

Change of ends

The rules of badminton states that you have to change ends with your opponent after finishing the first game. If a third game was to be played, you shall change ends when the leading score reaches 8.

Rules of Badminton - Singles

Serving and receiving courts

You shall serve from, and receive in, the right service court when you or your opponent has scored an even number of points in that game.

You shall serve from, and receive in, the left service court when you or your opponent has scored an odd number of points in that game.

You and your opponent will hit the shuttle alternately until a 'fault' is made or the shuttle ceases to be in play.

Scoring and serving

You score a point and serve again from the alternate service court when your opponent makes a 'fault' or the shuttle ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of your opponent's side of court.

No points will be scored when you make a 'fault' or the shuttles ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of your side of court. Theserving right will then be transferred to your opponent.

Rules of Badminton - Doubles

At the start of the game, and each time a side gains the right to serve, the service shall be delivered from the right service court. Only your opponent standing diagonally opposite of you shall return the service.

Should your opponent's partner touched or hit the shuttle, it shall be a 'fault' and your side scores a point.

Order of play and position on court

After the service is returned, either you or your partner may hit the shuttle from any position on your side of the net. Then either player from the opposing side may do the same, and so on, until the shuttle ceases to be in play.

Service court errors

In case of the following errors, your service will break

1. Serving from the wrong side of the court
2. Shuttle falling on the wrong court
3. Shuttle falling on before the service box or on the line
   (as it is difficult to ascertain the status of the shuttle once it falls on the line
4. Server not in the service area or his foot touching the line of serving area
5. Server serving above his waist


1. Shuttle landing outside the boundaries of the court
2. Shuttle passing through or under the nets

3. Shuttle touching the racket or body of the person before landing outside
4. Double touch
5. Clash between the rackets of the opponents
6. Player touching the net while attempting to take a shuttle
7. Player deliberately distracting the opponent by shouting or making gestures


1. Receiver is not ready to receive the serve
2. Shuttle getting stuck to the racket
3. Any object falling in the court
4. Server's opponent not ready
5. Line decision not conclusive or umpire unsighted to make a decision
6. Shuttle damaged during serve

Service Area - Singles

Service Area - Doubles

Play Area - Singles

Play Area - Doubles

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